Wadu Ntanda Rahi
Cerita Rakyat Bima “Wadu Ntanda Rahi”
Pada zaman dahulu, konon cerita disebuah desa di Bima (Mbojo), hiduplah sepasang suami istri yang saling mencintai, terlebih sang istri yang begitu setia pada suaminya. Mereka hidup bahagia dalam kesederhanaan.
Once upon a time, there was a story of a village in Bima (Mbojo), there lived a couple of a husband and a wife who was loves each other, moreover the wife was so faithful. They lived happily in simplicity.
Demi mencari kehidupan yang lebih baik. Pada suatu hari sang suami ingin pergi melaut dan meminta ijin pada istrinya namun sang istri memiliki firasat buruk dan melarang suaminya pergi. Sayangnya, sang suami tidak mendengarkan nasehat istrinya dan tetap ingin pergi melaut. Setelah beberapa saat, suaminya bergegas kelaut dan melewati bukit-bukit yang berada dekat tempat tinggal bersama istrinya. Semenjak kepergiannya, sang istri tak pernah berhenti menangis. Entah mengapa ia merasa sangat sedih dan ia pun memutuskan untuk menyusul suaminya dengan menggendong anaknya melewati sebuah bukit.
For a better life, one day the husband wanted to go for fishing and he asked for the permission from his wife, however the wife have had bad felling and she didn’t give the permission to go. Unfortunately, the husband didn’t listen to the suggestion from his wife and he insisted to go. After a while the husband went to the sea and walked through the hills near from his house. Since the time he went, the wife never stopped to cry. She didn’t know why she felt so sad and the wife decided to follow her husband while was carrying out her baby, walked through the hill.
Dari atas bukit sang istri bisa melihat suaminya, tapi lama kelamaan suaminya tidak terlihat lagi. Sang istri terus memanggil nama sang suami, tapi sang suami tidak kunjung kembali. Sang istri memutuskan untuk tetap menunggu sang suami dibukit, dan sang suami tidak kunjung kembali. Sang istri pun terus menangis meratapi kepergian suaminya seakan ia tak rela untuk kehilangan suami yang sangat di cintainya itu. Sang istri selalu menangis dan tak pernah beranjak dari bukit itu. Konon cerita sang istri yang menangis tersebut menjelma berubah menjadi batu yang sedang menangis meratapi suaminya sehingga masyarakat Bima memanggilnya “Wadu Ntanda Rahi”.
From the top of the hill the wife could see her husband, but through the time the husband was disappeared. The wife always called her husband’s name but the husband didn’t come back yet. The wife decided to wait for her husband on the top of the hill, and the husband also didn’t come back. The wife always cried to bewail for her husband, she didn’t acquiesce in the losing of her lovely husband. The wife always cried and never moved from the hill. According to the story, the crying wife was reincarnated into a stone which was crying while watching out for the husband, therefore Bimanese society called it “Wadu Ntanda Rahi”.
Sekarang wadu ntanda rahi telah dijadikan cagar alam.
Now “Wadu Ntanda Rahi” already becomes the pledge of the nature.